Monday, 15 April 2019


There is no hope for the war correspondent
cover painting by Paul Grignon
who has seen neighbour killing neighbour
who has watched the marks of civil society
sink lower – the niceties of good manners
disappearing for convenience and freedom.

There is no hope for the prime minister
who must protect people against the unnamed
who controls and who will dispose of him
when he’s no longer useful.

There is no hope for the system
after it has finished manufacturing
its product.

There is no hope for the woman
who grooms her family for success
believing it will make them happy.

There is no hope for the teacher
who parses out knowledge on schedule
for the sake of progress.

There is no hope for the writer
who seeks to crush all the lies
breeding on the pages of our minds.

There is still hope for the souls
who have found fresh air and delicate
weeds among vegetables
uncertain that they can save the day
with their humble gardening
digging for earth’s mysteries that will feed them
until they wake no more
in the body they have been granted.

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