Wednesday, 5 February 2025

This is just a belief I carry

People are born free and when we are allowed to create societies where freedom is honoured, this enables us to learn as much as we can to maintain respect for life. Once we learn how to maintain respect we can build on our own abilities. Like, to cook a hot meal, sing in a choir, find a lover, have children, nurture those we care for.
It gets complicated when others needs clash with ours. We then must think seriously and act cautiously, not assume power over others unless we are given a job like policing, health care, teaching, building, and others, we don't need to tell others what they should do. Power over others is a responsibility not a game, not a stage show. Power doesn't make life easy for us. It is a responsibility. However we can understand our longing for power when we were children, when we had to do as others who have power over us. Many experiences were painful, our own preferences were ignored, we had to keep our own mouth shut.
Then as we age we see and feel the stress of getting along, particularly when the options were not suited to our own temperaments.
Life is a trap. We have to eat, sleep, go to work, care for family and other responsibilities. Then we learn life is not fair. Some things hurt. Sometimes we are blamed for something we didn't do. The treatment of men and women in slavery. The treatment of different groups like Jews, Arabs. Treatment of women in patriarchal societies. Treatment of those with different abilities.
People who have power over us. But one thing is certain, if we don't do anything when we observe injustice, cruelty, greed, vanity, hate - life will become more painful for the innocent.
We have an obligation to observe and work towards peace and respect.

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