Tuesday, 18 February 2025


 Real humans don't pretend to love power more than life. We live in life. We wouldn't be here if there was only power but no love for life. We were born from not just a uterus but through a woman who carried that life until it was ready to leave her body. It was an embryo. It came from a woman's body and a man's seed. It grew by the warmth of a woman's blood and the elements that kept her body healthy like food and water. From habits and education that came from parents, grandparents, nurses and the love they learned from their parents. With the wisdom that came from others in the community that was based on wisdom and love. Generation after generation learning, living, and passing on their knowledge to young ones. Some believe this along with nature, came from GOD.

GOD is the name of the deity we sometimes pray to, who resembles all we don't know because the beginning came before we were born, before we had pen, paper, words and language. There are many different stories about the beginning because we have imagination and often think about the meaning of life.
The meaning of life is the one question we cannot let go of. It won't go away until we become so vain we believe our personal power is greater we brag about our achievements to the extent nothing else matters. Until it does.

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