Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Last Thoughts Meandering Through The World


is my home where I wake and sleep

in gratitude for the man who takes care of me.

Gratitude for the first borne

for making me a mother.

then second and third

and their children.

These keep me disciplined

as much as possible.

In gratitude for those who remember

how I used to be. 

At least I have a roof over my head

three meals a day and care.

I don't know how long I shall have them.

I've forgotten how to keep on top

of the essential needs

and so tired of listening

to squabbles from the radio

the television the gossip

and the warnings leaving me

to understand how we have not cared

for one another sufficiently.

There are caring people who offer

advice, mention their concerns

for the future of humanity

gates, locks and words

as if fear and panic

is merely looking

for the right words

to go away

empathy looking for certainty

inventing the next century.


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