Sunday, 20 October 2024

Is it possible to grieve for humanity?

 Yes it is, I think.

Reading the news is not just a report of what's happening in society. It's also a sign of how we judge one another. 

When a politician who has no apparent integrity calls for support by creating a dichotomy around lies and media gives him more air time than politicians who have a real argument to make, because its entertaining and can be justified in bringing more money to the publisher, we may ask ourselves, what is the value of this?

The answer may come back in monetary terms. But what is the economic value to humanity?

Is media a kind of evil game? Are we really asked to vote for people who have the ability to put down whatever is alive, and who has nothing good to say about how to deal with serious problems like war, famine, climate change and integrity.

When I scroll down letters to the editor that merely show off our ability to insult with clever words.

I went to vote earlier today. All who volunteered were serious and seemingly dedicated to the idea that people should be treated with dignity. That voters are not gullible but caring humans who want to do whatever they can to make the world livable.

I came home feeling good that I had done what I could to save our species from dying by the egos of narcissists, warmongers, misogynists. My efforts are not showy, not extraordinary, but part of caring for life that's here and life that will come after us if we care for it.

Capitalism idolizes those with huge bank accounts, athletic winners, and the stunning beauty of young healthy bodies. Yet the people who keep society going are ridiculed because they are not perfect, or they struggle to survive. Families break down trying to reach extraordinary achievements caring for others even when money is short.

Wisdom, empathy, intelligence and integrity is available to us as long as we value it.  .....

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