Monday, 15 July 2024

What Caused the Shooting of Donald Trump


Other than the lie "this doesn't happen in US politics" it means we are lying to ourselves. 

The public political narrative uses violence as bread and butter. Keep the masses confused and afraid, terrorized, this is the main ingredient of the campaign including corporate media reporting.

Women, men, thinkers, teachers and neighbours know better but getting their thoughts printed in a corporate newspaper is rare.

I don't know exactly what or who would be recognized as a voice, other than the obvious staff and celebrities, but what I do know, is the publication of wise thoughts is not favoured often.

This means we do not have open and honest publicity. We don't know what letters to the editor didn't get published. We do not ask why articles that tell readers the future is out of our hands and we are powerless to change the world. "This is just the way things are" as if we are talking about a tree in the garden or a giraffe in the zoo. 

We are doomed because "we are isolated units competing for the most of what each of us wants."

Wars, battles for profit and land, psychology, machismo, misogyny (silencing the voice of those who carry embryos to delivery) and capitalism, have taken up the space we think of as normal behaviour. City and village, workers and customers, parents and teachers have been brow beaten into a concept called "reality" which reports injustice, crime and greed, until we lock our thoughts inside the house, upstairs. 

My children are confident they have more wisdom and intelligence than I. They live in the city, travel the noisy highways, keep up with fashions and know of ways to avoid being a victim. They are awake during the day. They drive on major highways, deal with corporate bosses, and keep the house clean.

What I offer here is merely my thoughts on how, we as living creatures, have come to this.

First, in order to get along and keep our jobs, we  are not looking to let our hearts bleed over the commons. We know we are not in control of the world and are mostly okay with that. We also know that some egos are willing to kill children in order to conquer a domaine mostly in their own imaginations. So politics is more interested in the likely stories than the ideal ones.

Ideals have been dowloaded to the corners and the temples, while we "get on with life".

Nothing is static if it breathes and moves, so we must, in the dark night believe what we experience.

Confession: I have been called "a dreamer", "an idealist". I cry easily. And I focus on the world as I experience it. I know that's not science, and while I admire professors and teachers, I can only write what comes from my thoughts and feelings, while I seek to learn more about the world.

Lesson 1: good teachers have patience and compassion.

Lesson 2: there is nothing rewarding in getting the last word or dominating the conversation. 

Lesson 3: many people are kind and caring. This doesn't get counted in economic charts.

Lesson 4: living in community where people see and hear what's going on around them, is wealth.  Living with people who care about you is worth a million dollars at least.

Lesson 5: everyone has an opinion on something, even the wounded.

Lesson 6: saving the world is possible, not easy, but possible, if we fix the gap between power and nurture.

Lesson 7: all living entities need food and water and air.

Lesson 8: we don't have to be in control of the world, but we do need to get comfortable with our own limitations.

Lesson 9: Love is not for the week. Love is for the preservation of life.

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