Saturday, 6 July 2024

Is This The Result Of Misogyny?


Thousands of years of Patriarchy has come to valourizing one gender. Modern societies work on the capitalist theory of two genders. Male or Female. Your gender is decided at birth by the shape of your genitals. If you are declared Male you shall have a difficult life serving the dehumanizing ideals of Patriarchy. 

You are trained to not think too much, to always be strong, strive to win, to not be sensitive, to get the job done, whatever that may be.

While rates of hate, crime, starvation, homelessness, rise, the possibility of nuclear war, you are trained to not think about it. While it might seem obvious that humans are destroying the elements, the doctrine of manliness has taught you to dismiss these feelings. You are not here to be sensitive, you are here to serve the hierarchy.

Ruling ideologies have changed little since the end of the Roman Empire but we are more open to compassion, or is that wishful thinking. Every century must have war to decide who is in charge. We don't need to say it any more.

Competing for the most of what each of us wants doesn't result in a serious conversation about what humans want. It's decided by the authority of numbers. 

Bleeding hearts are sissies who bleed every month until they are old, fat and with wrinkles ... witches who have lived long enough to know better than to smile sweetly.

If you work for a company it will be where males go to work and forget about the troubling thoughts of life's meaning. Lack of time and tension is enough to keep your mind on what should be done for the profit margin.

Corporations are the highest on the pecking order. We need them to make things like pizza and trousers.

We are taught we must never give up fighting with the devil.  Christianity has been coopted to entrench the value of fighting. Your life will be one long struggle to kill the inner sinner. 

We humans have been very clever to turn the teachings of a Palestinian Jew into one long crusade against our sins, the human tendency to think about pleasure.

Sure there are many pleasures to be had on earth. Music, singing, dancing, love, cooking, eating. But what about the ego?

Who is in control? 

This question requires organization, planning, education. But not thinking. Satan dwells in our quiet thoughts and desires.

Even from the time of the Roman Empire, men had to be separated from mothers and sisters so they don't become indoctrinated with the nurturing side of nature but brave soldiers trained to kill.

To save the world is feminine. It requires nurture, love, kindness.  Even the only begotten son was crucified by men who thought they were doing God's bidding.

Doesn't make sense does it? You must be indoctrinated to understand little children must die too.  

If the world wasn't so cruel, women could run it.

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