Monday, 24 June 2024

Power and Nurture (again)

We can't get everything we want even if we need it. But we can't afford to be unprepared for war because psychopaths need war.  Power is an addiction. Power is the first thing and Nurture is the last. Why haven't we learned better?

Power demands absolute obedience. Century after century someone wants to start a war and we must defend ourselves. Leaders will invest most either in power or nurture.

"The nature versus nurture debate in psychology deals with disagreements about the extent to which the development of traits in humans and animals reflects the relative influence of nature and nurture. It is commonly stated that psychologists have moved on from asking whether traits (or variation in traits) develop from nature or nurture, to recognize instead that both nature and nurture work together or “interact” to produce outcomes, although exactly how to view the interaction is a matter of much debate." 

But what if a man is given the job to save his nation from destruction. He has followers all over the world. He cannot appear weak. So he begs other nations for help.  He knows the nations who are willing to send armaments are already invested in the arms industry and as time goes on he knows other industries like food and health have no money to spare. 

What if loyalty is a big concern? Loyal to what and to whom?

Here's how power works. Everyone knows we must take care of this world and all its interconnected ways but we all have different opinions on what should come first. Power or nurture?

We know of different leaders in the past, like Hitler or Henry VIII had different values. We know that millions have suffered from leaders who only valued power. (To the extent they valued power, say over their love for children is not always clear). 

For Hitler he set out to kill all who were Jewish, gay, injured and not useful. This is not just antisemitism. It uses antisemitism to get support from thoughtless people. People who are not in the majority, people who are trained to nurture others, people who have studied history and human behaviour. People who think, who love others. People who are not afraid of "strongmen". People who have learned history and understand that the strongman types only care how things look, not what they mean. 

Violence needs ignorant actors not educated and articulate people. People whose sense of self worth is elevated by beating up or controlling someone. I remember one time I was shopping in a nursery and I heard a male voice say loudly "you're so stupid" to a quiet woman standing next to him, waiting to pay for plants and flowers. He was loud, she was silent. He kept repeating himself. I wondered how he could benefit by abusing the woman in public? Anyone who overheard might have felt embarrassed for the woman.

How can a grown man feel he has accomplished something in this outburst? How many men see that as a display of power not embarrassment? After any outburst I've had in public, I feel ashamed, but there was a time when I felt I was being strong.

There was a time when my self esteem was so low I had to display my courage/power/worth/strength by loud outbursts because I was  bullied and couldn't stand up for myself. The crybaby became the bully. I was a woman too.

We live in a world that raises people to believe their worth depends on appearances and ranked social status -- white, male, able bodied, slim, well-dressed, confident. Whether we like it or not, we are all slotted in at least one category, and much print is given to articles that tell us who we are or should be.

A woman of colour who has a disability, has much courage and is very valuable in her society. But that public space we call the city, only values the money you can spend, how you look, and the amount of self-esteem you possess. Unless you witness someone being put down or hurt by letting them know you can help. 

In a society that values life you are worth a lot. In a society that only values power you must stand up -- to ignore injustice and allow leaders to disrupt, murder and rape others, without consequence, you are giving the world away to despots. You are exhibiting a submission to the ideal only power matters. To allow celebrities to convince you, democracy is worth nothing. To stay silent when you witness abuse is to silence all the songs, tear apart all the art, walk away from all you love, and leave the entire world to the chance of those who only value power over others.

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