Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Antisemitism Harms The Future of Humanity

 "Antisemitism is a certain perception which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or the property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities." Plenary of Bucharest. 

How? Any activity, speech or point of view that is antisemitic harms all of us humans after, prior to or during antisemitic activity.

It must be clear to anyone who studies history, peace and humanity, that hatred directed to one specific group, is harmful to all. The holocaust was devastating to Jews in Europe, it was cruelty for cruelty's sake. But more than that the holocaust destroyed a nation of people. Everyone lost because we lost a sense of who we are as thinking people. Dignity and hope was crushed. 

Anne Frank was a young Jewish woman who wrote a book on her life. She didn't get to live it fully as she was in hiding until her shelter was revealed to the Nazi's.

War, hatred and violence toward a group of innocent people reveals our capacity to submit to social destruction.

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