Monday, 22 April 2024

Last Words Poems


Dear Poets

I would like to print one more chapbook focusing on the best of human nature. Life is being dismissed, I think, for the sake of power and profit and I would like us to submit a poem on what life means to us and this planet.

Recently I watched the film Where the Crawdads sing and I thought we don’t often write or display the best of our nature. I am amazed that so much is dismissed in human achievements. There is so much beauty and so much ugliness, however I would like to put down in words my feelings and to seek other feelings from good people. Then to choose a title that best describes the words.

When I think of giving birth and all the sweat and worry that goes into it, all the training that nurses and doctors must do, all the sweat and time to attain a PHD. All the work that goes into building and operating schools, building highways and housing … we have as a species achieved something.

Send your poem to me with permission to publish and a short bio. Thanks for your time and consideration.

Janet Vickers
767 Chelwood Road
Gabriola Island
V0R 1X1

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