Sunday, 7 April 2024

Dear World

I send this love letter to you and all your inhabitants.

Every soul needs love. It is the first food of its soul.

The soul could be the accumulation of all people

and all ideas that take our attention willingly.

I understand this post looks lazy

to address the world in all its diversity

with one poem. Is it a poem?

or just a blog post?

Dear Reader I will leave you to decide

the difficult questions

details small and hardly noticed

hope that doesn't make me shallow.

I have been known to make hasty 

decisions and then regret them

lose self respect

then cry myself to sleep.

So to make up for my errors

I apologize today

for the last thirty years

expressing my thoughts.

Making judgements just like

an English girl who doesn't have

a Masters Degree

-- is it okay for people

who don't get the certificate

to make generalized judgements

-- yes it is okay as long as I don't pretend

to be something I'm not.

And besides, I love you.

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