Dear Poets
What does love look like
what does it feel like
what is the difference between
self love and narcisism?
What is the difference
between comfortable
and rich?
The source of the disinformation was the energy-industrial complex, which had launched one of the largest propaganda campaigns in history against the science of climate change. This corporate juggernaut chose shareholders over society, profits over people, and propaganda over science, and Republicans were duped more than most.
or attempted to anyway
but we forgot to keep the history
to recall how we did it
back then.
Imagine tribes of people
celebrating our achievements
the thought brings tears to my eyes.
No! That didn't, couldn't happen
it was history smoothing off
the barnacles of our flesh.
At least we have a house to live in
food on the table
and medicine
so today we are okay
let's watch TV, read books
listen to music, phone loved ones
make muffins
drink wine
... let's not
Do we want to be extinguished?
Do we want to behave as though
there is nothing we can do?
Every soul needs love. It is the first food of its soul.
The soul could be the accumulation of all people
and all ideas that take our attention willingly.
I understand this post looks lazy
to address the world in all its diversity
with one poem. Is it a poem?
or just a blog post?
Dear Reader I will leave you to decide
the difficult questions
details small and hardly noticed
hope that doesn't make me shallow.
I have been known to make hasty
decisions and then regret them
lose self respect
then cry myself to sleep.
So to make up for my errors
I apologize today
for the last thirty years
expressing my thoughts.
Making judgements just like
an English girl who doesn't have
a Masters Degree
-- is it okay for people
who don't get the certificate
to make generalized judgements
-- yes it is okay as long as I don't pretend
to be something I'm not.
And besides, I love you.