Monday, 20 November 2023

Extreme Prejudice

George Monbiot must have come from a different planet to see the mess we (humans) are in.

News sites, papers and radio, are telling us we have no hope. Government is poisoning  our future with cynicism.

Let's go back to the jungle then. When we had to compete with tigers and germs for the next meal. When the cave walls were too close to see the weather outside.

Then we might not have dwelt on how much power we had in comparison to the rest of the world. Not that I know what we did dwell on. It's all in my imagination where my personal power starts and ends yet others may suffer when my power overrides their safety and comfort.

Let's not go back to the jungle. There was an Adam and Eve but they had different names and histories and evolved from primates which include all the great apes. (Wikipedia) 

The goal of war is to demoralize the human spirit. Make everything about killing and death and torture. Make all news to highlight our arrogance and our mistakes where love is redundant.

Reading the news is simply feedback of all our errors without questioning arrogance or ego. Enter dreams of fascism, guns and bombs. Enter love of money, wealth and celebrity.

But we could celebrate birthdays and the beautiful human face of those we depend on like mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers. Even though this seems wishy-washy. Friends and family are the drugs that will get us through without the withdrawal symptoms. 

Unless the people we depend on are toxic or those in positions of power have abused that trust by directing their energies towards their own vanity. The way we are nurtured and nurture others is the beginning of our survival as a species.

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