A beautiful courageous soul who has managed to change the world along with many others who have conscience and courage.
Monday, 27 November 2023
Monday, 20 November 2023
Extreme Prejudice
George Monbiot must have come from a different planet to see the mess we (humans) are in.
News sites, papers and radio, are telling us we have no hope. Government is poisoning our future with cynicism.
Let's go back to the jungle then. When we had to compete with tigers and germs for the next meal. When the cave walls were too close to see the weather outside.
Then we might not have dwelt on how much power we had in comparison to the rest of the world. Not that I know what we did dwell on. It's all in my imagination where my personal power starts and ends yet others may suffer when my power overrides their safety and comfort.
Let's not go back to the jungle. There was an Adam and Eve but they had different names and histories and evolved from primates which include all the great apes. (Wikipedia)
The goal of war is to demoralize the human spirit. Make everything about killing and death and torture. Make all news to highlight our arrogance and our mistakes where love is redundant.
Reading the news is simply feedback of all our errors without questioning arrogance or ego. Enter dreams of fascism, guns and bombs. Enter love of money, wealth and celebrity.
But we could celebrate birthdays and the beautiful human face of those we depend on like mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers. Even though this seems wishy-washy. Friends and family are the drugs that will get us through without the withdrawal symptoms.
Unless the people we depend on are toxic or those in positions of power have abused that trust by directing their energies towards their own vanity. The way we are nurtured and nurture others is the beginning of our survival as a species.
Friday, 17 November 2023
Prayer For The Psychopath
Prayer for the Psychopath
Your early years were the training
for your life
and all that you think
except that which
dare not be thought
or given a second
in your day
Your training has come from
billions of years
unnamed teachers
civilized control
trauma crowded out by
pomp and circumstance
In kindergarten the scary parts
turned into animal comics
and little songs
to encourage you to trust
civilization and its experts
veritable awards
rewarding the memory
with beautiful things
like the violin
small hands to guide
the bow across strings
gentle like a swan on the water
then to instruct you to be in control
at all times.
No-one to tell you how sweet
your hungry heart is.
So you stay on the window
looking in
constantly arguing with all the voices
carried since the first time
you were told you will never
amount to anything.
Wednesday, 15 November 2023
Vivian Silver Jewish Peace Activist
Tuesday, 14 November 2023
Mighty Vengeance
Leader of a powerful nation
has designed the image
to the end
with bombs, guns and drones
he completes the mighty warrior
cleaning the earth
of its problems
wiping all the little pieces
off the chess board
— a clean slate
where tomorrow we can
start again
without having learned anything.
I can imagine all the worlds mothers
saying to themselves
I won’t go through that again.
Never again has new meaning now.
Monday, 13 November 2023
Torture Before The Kill
“There is something so uniquely evil about ‘a humanitarian pause.’ It’s an Orwellian demand to continue taking human life indiscriminately with moments of reprieve, so that the kill have some food, water and bandages before they are targeted again,” media critic Sana Saeed said on social media. “It is torture before the kill.”
Media critic Sana Saeed on Social Media. https://truthout.org/articles/over-1000-protesters-shut-down-chicago-train-station-to-demand-ceasefire/?utm
Saturday, 11 November 2023
The History of Antisemitism
I visited this site and learned that antisemitism began with the Christian Church, and the violence towards Jews has become worse with each century.
Except this new one - I hope. But hope is not enough.
And even now the battle in Israel between Netanyahu and Hamas can be directed to the British who "gave" Israel to the Jews in 1948.
I do not have a degree in history so will not endeavour to write much here. The website www.ushmm.org has questions for us all to discuss.
How have Jews been affected by antisemitism? What impact does antisemitism have on others?
What is the meaning of “scapegoat”? What do people gain from scapegoating?
What is the effect of hateful images and speech? Do images and words reflect existing attitudes or create them?
How has antisemitism changed throughout history? What are some differences among religious, political, and racial antisemitism?
Why would political or religious leaders espouse antisemitic ideas?
How is antisemitism similar to or different from other forms of group hatred?
Yes bring in the children too. It's something we need to talk about.
Friday, 10 November 2023
The Ubiquitous Nature of Power (first published in The Flying Shingle many years ago)
This post was first published in The Flying Shingle then online at Episyllogism.
Monday, 6 November 2023
Very Wise Words from Robert Reich
"First, if Jews and Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims on an American college campus cannot feel safe around each other, they will never feel safe around each other, anywhere. Second, the only way forward is to reject stereotypes, and begin to talk to one another. Talking to one another involves listening — listening to the fears and anguish, to the anger and resentments on the other side. Trying to understand those feelings and not dismiss them."
Sunday, 5 November 2023
When Criticism Becomes A Public Sport
When CBC radio reported the "fraudulent" claim of a celebrity which cannot be proven, what is the purpose of the report?
Shaming seems to be a public sport for media, politics and celebrity. It's almost as though everyone's integrity is wrapped up in one article. It's also easy to think and feel as though our private lives are for public consumption. As though we are all characters in a Soap Opera.
Is every identity, every soul, merely a piece of meat for corporate media? Do we become insensitive to our loved ones as we watch TV shows that focus on winners and losers? Are we losers if we have no proof of being a winner?
If everything about me was headlined on the front page of a tabloid, would I lose my friends? If I claimed to be a Christian would opinion pieces about the failure of Christians give strangers the right to ridicule me? If I was rich would I be hated? If I was poor would I be publicly ridiculed?
If I was Jewish would I feel like a subject of blame because of Netanyahu's policies? If I was Palestinian would I feel damned by Hamas and Israelis. Would I hang on every word broadcast by the media?
Would any identity give permission to strangers to hate me? If I was related to a serial rapist would anyone dare to be my friend? Does public issues of blame give me a fleeting sense of superiority if I can judge another without letting them know?
How can I help heal this broken world of alienated egos blamed for everything a blogger might write or friends at a party might have a good chuckle over? What is being exploited here? What can we talk about without injuring anyone?
Imagine a world that valued life for life's sake, where people supported one another before expressing an opinion. What if my headstone had these words: Here Lies Janet Vickers, a mother, sister, daughter and friend, who had an interesting life, and was loved by a few people, but who was not known for any extraordinary talents or strengths. While she was here she was okay.
The Reason For World Poverty
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