Monday, 11 September 2023

Deconstructing the Politician

"In Pierre Poilievre, Canada has a radical free market zealot whose policies will be disastrous for the poor, working and middle classes." writes Jonathan Sas in the Tyee.

Listening to the news these last two weeks, it seems that Poilievre is getting the publicity along with reports that he is rising in the polls. And this is CBC radio. Why is there so little reported on what it would mean for Canada? What I hear is just criticism and put downs from the radio I have always looked to for fair reporting. Where are the politicians who counter this reporting?

"Poilievre, to the credit of his communications team, has managed to dress up his right-wing program with populist rhetoric that resonates during a time of rising economic insecurity." warns Sas.

Is it just a game? Winning? No matter the cost to the vulnerable? Just keep pouring out insults. That's how comments on social media and big business seem to be operating. The human heart and mind will soon feel defeated when no media voices question the cost to our society.

Many Americans who are suffering poverty and racism have crossed the border to Canada. Yet there are signs of higher incidents of attacks on minorities and women recently.

Of course I only read and hear things from corporate media and those who stand up for social justice. I am concerned that violence and hate feeds on fear, it doesn't care about integrity or facts.


  1. Hello Janet, I am trying to find a contact email for you. Is there one somewhere? Thank you, Michelle


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