Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Deconstructing The Bully

The Bully is made of emptiness, desperate to fulfill his or her self with something of worth, an achievement, a sign that he or she has grown up, become a fully functioning human.

The human being has been robbed of his or her worth in this late stage capitalist playground. Not that a communist or fascist society is any better.

Societies are mostly known for what they do wrong, not what is right. What we need is to fall in love with life again. This humbles us. We can fall into the mysteries and awe of each day if we are present.

The human who is unsure, feels lacking but not knowing what he or she lacks, is attempting to be wise but has been over-ruled by stories of "greatness". Yes it's great that someone invented airplanes, radios, medicine, but we don't know the person behind the invention other than the name.

What we don't usually know is all the manufacturing of myths about the heroes held up to us as someone to emulate. We don't know the scheming, the silencing, the manipulation, that goes into publicizing the product. How the product is worshipped and not the person, unless the person has been made into a "hero" with the right looks, the right class, the right gender.

We are not evil. We are busy bees buzzing around the current excitement. Desperate to learn more, to feel more, to play more, and to be seen more.

The Bully has silenced the emotional part of his/her psyche, swallowed the pain of emptiness in order to succeed, in order to be someone, something, anything other than nothing. 

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