Saturday, 29 April 2023

Holocaust Timeline: My Jewish Learning

When I began hearing about the rise in anti-semitism, misogyny and anti-gay attacks I joined this newsletter to find out more about how decent people became fascist monsters. What was it? That final cause that threw us off the edge into the abyss?

Reading about George Orwell's 1984 he saw how people became alienated from their community, how fear was used, how men were willing to drop their gentle parts for the cutting off of their feeling selves after propaganda took away their self-esteem.

I am afraid that we too shall lose our humanity if we do not feel the pain of others.

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

The Royal Family

I saw an article about public opinion on The Royal Family. Statistics were gathered  - a percentage believe the Royal Family are essential and another percentage felt they were not.

This had nothing to do with the quality of the people and everything to do with the perceived worth of THE ROYAL FAMILY as an institution. 

I remember someone once told me the King owns the United Kingdom (which would include the colonies). So no matter how King Charles III behaves or what he believes, the Royal Family is a thing - an institution. Empires establish ownership through status, castles, wealth, and manners. How people are treated doesn't matter as long as no-one knows about it.

Tabloid media is only interested in headlines, not humanity. Frenzy is key. What we do about it is not a thing. We absorb reality by collecting statistics. How we treat one another, how we care for one another, how we educate young minds, is all about points, winning, getting rich, being attractive or impressive.

I don't think its error - I think it is intentional. To organize society like a club where you score points like the money you have in the bank or things such as property, cars, diamonds, gold.

If capitalism  is the master of our conscience, then bullying is the game. How to insist that our club is about shifting positions. 

A perfect marriage is when a Roman Emperor holds a "trial" and decides to nail God to a cross and leave him there until he dies. In this warped system, the Emperor becomes God and so he can take his army across Europe and claim the land is his, or the British Empire can sail to Turtle Island, kill the people who live there and then make a profit from farms, timber, gold and oil. 

It's not that simple of course, but the first thing that must be done, is to teach the people, the animals, that they are owned by thieves who arrived by ship.

If importance is merely an inventory of what has been captured, how can we learn to get along, never mind survive. How can we care for the land if we are digging it up for oil, how can we be leaders to the people that were taken from their mother's arms, traumatized by violence from those who claim to be working for God and Jesus. How can we honour the King and expect him to rule the world fairly when the natural attachment we might have to the land, our parents, our neighbours and ourselves has been trivialized with bling.

Now if King Charles and Queen Camilla can somehow convey the meaning of life, undo all the harm done five centuries ago, we might have enough faith that the monarchy can keep us together in the realm of name and status. But first we humans must feel something about our own worth. That's work you and I have to do. No-one else can do it for us. 

Friday, 21 April 2023

Walking Libraries of Humanity

All we have achieved

all we have lost

all we have forgotten

dwells in us still

keeps us awake

gives us headaches

causes outbursts of temper

and longing for love

love is our garden

with its nutritious plants


and weeds

those weeds that sprung up

when no-one was looking

who cares?

it's not a rhetorical question

it's on every shelf

we try to hide among

accounts of adventure


may get tucked at the back

one day

if we stop looking for the right book.

Thursday, 20 April 2023

Weaponizing The Commons

The Gun Lobby and NRA have weaponized community by promoting ownership of guns as protection. Protection from whom?  Media presents news when it reports isolated killings without commentary on why it might have happened. For example why do old white men feel they should kill an unarmed youth for coming to their door by mistake. Why are they afraid of the stranger.

Jim Crow laws forbade "African Americans from living in white neighborhoods. Segregation was enforced for public pools, phone booths, hospitals, asylums, jails and residential homes for the elderly and handicapped.".

Honour killings - In 2022 "an 18-year-old woman, Aisha Abakar , died after an attack led by family members who believed the unmarried Darfur teenager was pregnant. Her younger sister is in a critical condition in hospital after being injured in the same attack. Three men have been arrested. Three days previously, in the same state a 21-year-old woman was murdered by her brothers and cousins who believed that she was talking to men on her mobile phone. No arrests have been made for her murder."

Could there be any other reasons for such a cruel response to suspicion? What makes fear such an affective weapon? What makes hate such a common denominator in tragedy?

Climate change  - long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns  since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas."

The Holocaust, was the genocide of European Jews during World War II between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe.

Hate creates among ordinary citizens, a sense of powerlessness. Corporate media loves stories of conflict, tension and violence, but it doesn't want to spend too much space on analysis around these issues.

A well functioning community is invested through the conscience of moral citizens. When libraries are threatened with lack of funding, when Canadians are threatened by short-sighted views that promote removal of funding and shared responsibility we know something must be done but what can a few relatives achieve in world affairs?

If you read this blog and wonder why I spend so much time and space on racism, misogyny, anti-semitism and violence -- it's because I see my community where I have been free to move around, visit art shows, apply for jobs, send letters to the editor -- now under threat.

The thought of people being murdered for their colour or race or gender is a sign that the commons will be ruled by FEAR and HATE if the citizens don't see what they have to lose.

While media space focuses on celebrity, glamour, beauty and entertainment - these are representations of power.  Powers that most of us don't have. And while we are right to feel the integrity of one person doesn't get much attention, I believe we must look more closely at what this means for civilizations particularly for our children and grand-children.

When the law bans a woman for getting an abortion because of expressed concern for life, but mothers who can't afford to feed the baby in their uterus once it emerges, when there is no protection for the pregnant against domestic violence, when criticism, blame and hate, stir up community tension -- what does our society offer the people who live in it, who nurse and teach and care for others?

It offers the glitz while expressing contempt for life.  It says we love gloss and glamour but not the families who wear it. It says we love the law that controls and defends the land but not the life that is cut down in order to get the profit. It says profit is merely a symbol of power, not the real power of nurture and good health.

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

The War on Journalists by David Beer, The Tyee

Listen to this. And remember - it ain't over. You have an opportunity to help save the world from Fascism.

If the people of Germany and Western Europe had known what Hitler's campaign would do to all the people of the continent - alienate them from society, imprison and gas any soul who wanted to work towards a healthy society as well as murder all Jews, Gays and men who were in touch with their conscience - would they engage and encourage the activity of their people?

Now we are faced with the same question but the names are different. 

Fascism, authoritarianism, white supremacy, machismo, misogyny, anti-semitism and religious intolerance, all different ways of alienating us from our humanity. When any movement claims a few are okay, but all the others are a threat to your future - what is being said - is, human nature is vulnerable so we must discipline ourselves to see what is evil (vulnerable, soft, sensitive, tolerant, friendly and diverse). Human nature must be strictly controlled. The solution is not a solution. It's a way of controlling the universe by removing the diversity of humanity and replacing it with the mindless zombie.

This is the Boot on the Face of Humanity that George Orwell wrote about in 1984.

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

NRA Convention and the Human Imagination


“This is not a gun problem. This is a mental health problem, this is a social problem, this is a cultural problem, this is a spiritual problem,” Trump claimed

It's a mental health problem when politicians can't regulate gun laws yet make abortion illegal. It's a social problem when people of conscience can't break through the ceiling of profit and see how it is destroying the most powerful country in the world. It's a spiritual problem when the gender who carries life to the point of birth is made a plaything to show, criticize, rape and ridicule for the slightest misdemeanour, yet the gun lobby raises rights to own guns more than rights to justice. Life simply becomes the meat of the economy.

Patriarchy has been at war with life for centuries, building temples to warriors, teaching history as a series of battles, winners in the determination to kill and murder, to rule over, to trade in slaves, cut down forests, build highways, invent weapons of mass destruction, systems of the law that are beyond comprehending in terms of outcomes.

The only recognizable changes keep punishing the vulnerable and rewarding the powerful.

If God is the highest element valued by men, its POWER OVER EVERY THING NO MATTER HOW IT HURTS. When man takes control he loves everything that elevates his achievements - even climate change and mass starvation.

Tuesday, 11 April 2023

About Freedom

Freedom is possibly the most valuable possession in the world.

Because freedom is so precious I cannot be cavalier with it. The people I love, who love and care for me, must not endure false or exaggerated claims of freedom from me. I hold them in respect so I cannot afford to make false claims against them. Ever.

The price of freedom is the determination to not make false claims. And though I set out to understand how the world works, including social behaviour and norms, my views are not always right. What damage might be done by generalizations that seem true to me.

Some have access to media outlets which seem to give credibility to extraordinary claims. It's up to us to think seriously about whether the claims can be true or proven. We know now that being published does not guarantee truth. We know that some people in high places deliberately tell lies.

History is full of liars and murderers and their victims.

A good friend once said you cannot assume anything. So I have stopped using "I assume".

My freedom is also a duty to be honest with myself and all that I say and do. Failing that, my children are left to deal with a world that is not only dangerous but an example of who we are. 

It's complicated because if I keep preaching about what we should do and be. The natural connection between myself and other beings can be splintered.  Seem superior to assume I have a moral duty to police others. Will it do more harm than good? What power is available to us? How can you and I engage in democracy when power is so confusing.

Freedom is a blessing in that there are some things we can do, and it's a curse because there is danger in it.

So the best I can suggest now, is my responsibility and freedom is wrapped within my society. A society that is authoritarian, that punishes people for expressing themselves, makes it seem there is nothing I can do. There is something. Stay awake and informed. Work locally and humbly. Question assumptions.

Just because I have written about freedom doesn't mean I am right.

Monday, 10 April 2023

The Hidden Gems of Misogyny


What happens when the feminine aspect

is covered in shroud

invisible unseen unspoken unborn

the Handmaid knows in silence

the poet weeps short verses

naked words made illegal

feelings broken and torn

dissociated so that when

someone asks

are you alright

there is only one answer

fine thank you

I am fine

don’t worry about me

as if

as if there is no voice

whispering through the eyes

of the homeless

and their mothers

until you discover

you were always alright

always you

beneath the layers

the clothes and costumes

designed to cover you up

from head to toe

beaten anytime your flesh

escaped the cloth of denial

the power so fragile

it is easily offended

demanding forever

until the planet is quiet as death

praising cruelty over and over

until the birds are finally silenced


where no-one can observe

the change in climate

no-one can see the dawn

because the womb of existence

has been silenced forever


the life line is restored

and loved

feminine and masculine

coming together

for the sake of


May it be so … one day.

Robert Reich on Current Politics

"Under Republican authoritarianism, power is its own justification. Recall that in 2018, after Wisconsin voters elected a Democratic governor and attorney general, the Republican legislature and the lame duck Republican governor responded by significantly cutting back the power of both offices."

Saturday, 8 April 2023

Modern Values in Government

What is wanting a planet without humanity? It's voice. It's conscience. It's history. Art. Music. These only serve to confuse the hierarchy of power. Brute force. Slavery. Bigotry. Cruelty are the methods of ruling the world.

It would seem by learning about the United States of America, the now fallen empires such as Britain, Germany, France, Russia. China and all their colonial possessions. 

There is a deep division today. The rights of people, their health and education. And the values of those who are expected to keep order by control.

Some of us are not comfortable with brutality but of most us are not expected, not trained to maintain control. Yes we want systems of justice, laws, holidays and jobs. We want houses that will stand up to rough weather. We want to know where to go to get justice. We want the status quo. We admire the legal system and their knowledge of its strength. We want machines to be safe, to be built according to the rules.

We want fairness. We want to know the rules so we can move around freely. But those who are expected to hold up the systems we rely on know there is injustice, personalities that follow the rules convenient to their progress. Their jobs are stressful. Life is stressful because there are no guarantees.

Evil people learn how to manipulate systems and groups so they can do whatever they want. They don't love, they threaten, they seek a position where others kiss their feet because of fear. They value fear because societies of fear can be managed as long as you are the top. Not the bottom. The bottom is hell. The top is heaven. Almost. Meanwhile they seek to bully so they can feel "their power". 

And this word "power" is where I lose my readers. Because we are all familiar with the harsh parts of history. World War I and II, the French Revolution, the Holocaust, the fight for Communism in East Europe.

Tomorrow we celebrate the death and crucifixion of a young man who wanted to bring peace and love to the world but who was nailed to a cross, left to die a slow excruciating death. Now we call him the son of God. We created a trinity - Father, Son, Holy Ghost. There are other beliefs and religions, many began centuries before Jesus. Holy Men have been with us since the beginning of civilization. We punish those who don't follow 'the rules' with great pomp and eagerness. We build scapegoats from minorities, enslave them, blame them for everything that allows the rulers to continue governing by fear. 

The names and doctrines of our new movements change. Our heroes change, Our commandments change with new faiths and doctrines but the habits are essential. Blame minorities who are peaceful and creative. Make love immoral. Kill the Goddess. Maintain control over the whole planet. Seek to dominate other planets when ours has been abused to death. Imprison the wise, the creative, and worship the brutal haters.

Every so many generations, a war of contempt for life, brutalizes the heart and mind of all living things. Particularly those who have a history, traditions, and noble practices.

When we are loved, guided and educated, we know in the head and gut, we the public must not give up. Too much has been lost and too much is here to be lost. And if there comes a time when we forget who we are, everything shall be lost.

Sunday, 2 April 2023

When You Hate - Bertrand Russell

 “When you hate, you generate a reciprocal hate. When individuals hate each other, the harm is finite; but when great groups of nations hate each other, the harm may be infinite and absolute. Do not fall back upon the thought that those whom you hate deserve to be hated. I do not know whether anybody deserves to be hated, but I do know that hatred of those whom we believe to be evil is not what will redeem mankind.”

Bertrand Russell, Human Society in Ethics and Politics (19…
See more

Saturday, 1 April 2023

Dear Prophet

It's not your fault.

You did not want to be crucified

as an example of what happens to men

who think and feel for themselves

what is right and wrong

seeing and hearing all those desperate voices

clamour above all other voices

what is really wrong

and what is right.

Yes I am just a singular voice

a granny who has lived and grieved

for all the inventions and arguments

who is to blame

who is an angel and who is a devil

it's not you who created these

good guy bad guy contests

that keep surviving even as we

witness people designated as leaders

influencers ... priests of fame and gold

the National News microphone at your lips

even though your body is not in the flesh

and your mouth cannot preach

to us who don't get it

don't realize your heart is inside all of us

with different names like

Moses, Mary, Joshuah

and all the Davids who ever lived

while Eve has been silenced

for now

but one day she will speak louder

so loud we shall weep

not because we are hurt

but because she knows

what it's like to be blamed 

vilified and hated for all that

she did not do

horrified at how easy it is

for mortals to cast off their sins

and even as this planet aches

closer to death

we remember

it's not the Earth that shall die

but all limbed creatures

and their stories

like the meaning of stars

rain and wind

without songs

to the rhythm of blood

pulsing through busy veins.

It was not your fault

no matter how many times

your name was taken in vain

how many temples and churches

built in your honour

and how many lives taken

competing for the golden sword

wedged in the rock.

Here we are ... still

shutting down everything

that appears to be pointing at us

and not them.

The Reason For World Poverty