Friday, 24 June 2022

Spit Blood


Spit Blood

Essential history of humanity

back to Garden of Eden— Eve is to blame 

for women’s suffering in childbirth for eating 

forbidden fruit from Tree of Knowledge

said the Anglican Bishop when I went to church

pregnant with our first baby.

After King James VI of Scotland declared witchcraft illegal

2,500 women were burned at the stake.

British ships shackled millions of Africans 

to sell in America between 16th - 19th century.

Dark Satanic Mills in England’s green

and pleasant land were the Orthodox churches

in Blake’s poem not the factories.

Irish tennants farmed potatoes on land owned 

by absentee landlords until they starved

from famine and disease. Why

only one crop? For maximum profit.

Nine million died in WW1 then influenza 

killed 50 million. Germany sued by allies

with a bill too big to pay.  Jews were blamed

and six million murdered before 1945. 

Europe struggled to recover but America 

won the war and did well until they sold prisons

to private corporations where African Americans

were “sold” as slaves three hundred years

after they were freed.

First civilizations who learned how to care

for the land hundreds of years before

European contact were sent to Residential Schools 

and whipped, starved and raped to “kill the Indian”

in the child.

Women to be punished for aborting an embryo

yet a gunman can murder her children 

in elementary school. Murder for profit? 

Call it economics. 

The privileged learn to silence their own 

thoughts and prayers or risk public ridicule.

Women may give birth to children and raise them

but cannot  rule a world created  to destroy

their heart and soul. 

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