Sunday, 26 June 2022

Is This A Fascist World?

Housing prices are too high for new buyers to get into the market.  Normally dedicated workers are quitting because they are threatened by violent patients, students, customers.  While the climate is changing, deniers are blocking roads. We are on the threshold of WW III.  There are predictions of starvation and grain shortages. The threat of new viruses. Water shortages predicted. Unbearable temperatures threaten the vegetables in our gardens and farms.  People fly off the handle at the smallest inconvenience. Crowded airports make travel difficult. Emergency wait times are putting strain on patients and health care workers.

This is coming from the broadcast news hourly and daily. New crises every hour.

There are millions of educated and wise people who have learned to fix problems, heal the sick and inform the troubled minds of Canadians. Why are we not hearing from them in the news reports? Why does the news simply give us short headlines that are barely understood? Why are intellectuals or prize winning reporters not given a voice in this conversation? 

Why does capitalism behave as though humanities are not worthy of investment? Should we turn off the radio, TV and internet because it no longer serves our community survival?

What authority will dare to organize as though life has meaning beyond the market? How long will we listen to corporate media when they do not acknowledge the need for information to help us engage in the problems, or at least acknowledge those who are already engaged? 

Haven't we learned that using fear and force atomizes community? Are we willing to allow fascism to destroy our options, our community and our future?

The wisdom accumulated over centuries can be tossed out in public and more dangerously in our minds if we adopt the habits of monsters who learned how to keep the masses cowering in fear.

How will our world look if no-one remembers how to be civil and all communities are markets and nothing more?

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