Saturday, 3 September 2022

Requiem for the Goddess


Requiem for the Goddess

She is a vessel that’s all

a seed from the seed that came before

a wave flowing out from the bang

a reverberating circle reaching out.

Once she was cherished

placed in the centre of the hearth

observed and protected from elements 

she loved no matter how rough.

Now she is tied between two poles 

her limbs cannot move 

or lay down to rest. 

How can she nurture the world 

when hoisted 

as a thing that bleeds onto the soil beneath

her legs forced open so that lost souls can rape 

with their hatred.

How can she see the unfolding drama

now her eyes have been gouged

and how can she offer advice

when her lips have been sewn together

or hear the lamentation of birds

when her ears plugged with the screech 

of a dead warrior is set on replay?

Who will witness the despair of her sons

and the exhaustion of her daughters

when there is no more art or music

only a silent screen capture of today’s

stock market?

How will the starving masses endure 

the endless pain when their hormones 

begin to eat their own organs?

How can she birth the next generation

when her grief  hangs

outside her body?

How will the mind remember that life

existed at all when all its seeds have perished?

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