Saturday, 1 May 2021

Living On Virulent Empathy

 Living is a familiar word. 'On' as in living on planet earth, its plants, its air. 'Virulent' can mean 'poison', 'toxic' or 'a virulent strain of influenza'. 'Empathy' the ability to understand the feelings of another. According to Google dictionary.

Living on virulent empathy is more than feeling or expressing empathy. It is making the connection between people so we do not forget who we are.

We people of this planet have been educated and trained to fit into a system. Democratic socialism, neoliberal capitalism, patriarchy, misogyny, racism, all have their effects on how we feel about ourselves and each other. All vie for dominion over this earth through ways of influence, teaching, advertising and the use of fear.

We are subjected to patterns so that we feel we have the means to protect ourselves from suffering. Particularly the suffering of homelessness, starvation, violent attacks, war and fascism. Of course this is not working absolutely but then it's not intended to be a society where all good things work and all bad things are stopped.

We are under the influence of different interests, we have different interests so part of our daily patterns include persuasion. Having a system of beliefs which we attempt to persuade others they are the right beliefs for most if not all.

There is power (money) over our ideas even if we don't admit to it, or see it. Neoliberal capitalism tells us there is the invisible hand of the market, but it doesn't tell us the influence and pressure that goes into maintaining this as a system. It doesn't ask how investing in weapons and secret coups to influence governments elsewhere are good. It doesn't question the misery of lives lived at the bottom of the pecking order. 

Power is not intelligent. Sentient beings have intelligence and have survived war, starvation, disease and extreme weather for thousands of years by using their power consciously and asking how can we survive?

We have created religions, philosophies, political parties and global interests to juggle and weigh the various means of being in this world. We have stocked our waking days with thoughts and arguments on what is best and what is worst - a hierarchy of errors.

I have noticed my own belief change throughout the years. What should I achieve? What should I be and what should I not be?

Lately as I have watched intelligent beings and their institutions crumble I have come to believe that empathy for the feelings and health of others engages me in a way that is not harmful. I don't seek to be dominant or perfect or controlling. I seek to be part of this earthly family, connected, equal and always learning.

I would like to see media and institutions focus on a livable planet as a future goal rather than the various camps cleverly persuading each other to be more like them. If empathy became a virus spreading wherever we gather I think we might listen to and communicate with one another.

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