Sunday, 25 April 2021

From Man to Zombie: Have We Lost Control?

Derek Chauvin never lost control. Not for one moment. He didn’t question himself. He didn’t let his emotions show. If he had, maybe George Floyd would have lived. If he had allowed himself to feel the anguish in Floyd’s voice, the tremors in his body, he might have lost his self-control. He might have let up the pressure on Floyd’s throat for just a moment. He might have responded emotionally, empathetically, man to man, being to being." attributed to Jeffrey St. Clair in a post on Fred Guerin's Facebook page.

We have never been in control. We are part of the Universe, most of which we have no control over, if 'we' are a ruling elite on planet earth.

Control is a myth, a hunger driven by an obsession with power, raised by a long patriarchal, colonial habit of training boys to be men who have no emotion. If this is our father, our brother, our son ... "we" and our thoughts, feelings, and observations don't register in a man's world.

For a man to be raised under the doctrine of power over the world, to be in control to make sure through training and indoctrination that he is in control and he is winning, he will never fail—the only relationship he has with the world is as conqueror.

The universe with its various natures, shapes and climates, are the other, enemies, in the vortex of colonial capitalism and its "economy".

Thankfully most men have not totally sacked their minds and their feelings. Most men are attached to family, friends, nature and inner conflict. Healthy emotional intelligence tells people it is unrealistic to win and never fail, to control those we love, to always be right and never wrong. Even the famous singer "Sting" understood how fragile we are. Famous men like David Suzuki tell us how dependent we are on the health of this planet. Teachers, military men, doctors and lawyers, understand we are in relationship to the interdependent web of existence.

Those institutions that hold up the example of the great conqueror are not human, they are built on money and power, and have worked to disengage with the culture of men and women. The normal wisdom of keeping an office running smoothly by winning support from stakeholders has been shut out. There is no reasonable conversation. Workers are treated like plastic leggo blocks that can be stuck together and pulled apart, to the extent, they don't know who they are.

The ruling power, to maintain its power, must atomize all its parts. A police officer is trained to identify the "enemy" and kill it, culturally, legally and psychologically. Every aspect of this organization is beyond readable to the outside world which must be silenced, tamed against against any other narrative. This is what the white man is trained for in an absolute system. The white woman is trained to worship the man's power and wealth and to be a beautiful trophy in the man's lexicon.

Taking care of the climate, the planet is not on the agenda of the mind indoctrinated to serve the ruling culture. Therefore civil society must be destroyed. Art, Love, Family must be subsumed into the doctrine for never-ending domination. Women must be battered into submission. Wildlife must be caged for entertainment. Diversity must be enslaved to the ruling class. Servants must be lobotomized. The boot embedded on the face of humanity forever.

This is the mental illness we must fight and struggle against if we want to live. This is the prison we must break down in its entirety if we want to preserve life for ourselves and our grand children.

The ruling elites who have held the whip over our story for centuries, do not want us to find truth, freedom or peace, because it will mean they lose control over the universal narrative.

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