Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Planet Politics


There is no justice where there is no self-reflection.
If conscience is not engaged, if failure is inadmissible 

in the court of public opinion, our part cannot find a voice 

and unexamined pain will blame the victim. 

If violence does not ask what can I do?

It’s brushed off. Our home is spherical

nothing can be thrown away

only forwarded to a different dimension: 

violence exported to another island, another ocean

where we eat the poison we gave to fish. 

A poison that turns us into a walking disease

eventually buried into soil where it pollutes

the ground of all being

pollutes all that grows

committing each new generation

to the same illness.

It begins with hope and determination to fix 

the problem, then despair when temperatures rise 

valleys flood, where rivers turn into blood

life turned into a monument—sacrifice 

without redemption.

So tell me dear kinfolk—who can you punish

without punishing yourself?

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