Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Planet Politics


There is no justice where there is no self-reflection.
If conscience is not engaged, if failure is inadmissible 

in the court of public opinion, our part cannot find a voice 

and unexamined pain will blame the victim. 

If violence does not ask what can I do?

It’s brushed off. Our home is spherical

nothing can be thrown away

only forwarded to a different dimension: 

violence exported to another island, another ocean

where we eat the poison we gave to fish. 

A poison that turns us into a walking disease

eventually buried into soil where it pollutes

the ground of all being

pollutes all that grows

committing each new generation

to the same illness.

It begins with hope and determination to fix 

the problem, then despair when temperatures rise 

valleys flood, where rivers turn into blood

life turned into a monument—sacrifice 

without redemption.

So tell me dear kinfolk—who can you punish

without punishing yourself?

Saturday, 20 February 2021

Neoliberal Capitalist Doctrine

 In the last 40 years, media influencers, economists and politicians have been changing the religion of Western Democracy.

Growing up I believed, maybe from Disney movies and television sit-coms (where I got my degree in nothing in particular) where I was very eager to express my opinion as if by doing so, the world would become a better place ... for me.

I believed that if I was polite to people I would be a success. Then I learned of global economics as far as what should I buy and not buy. Then I touched the surface of politics, and who should I vote for or not vote for.

Along the way I learned how to be safe in my white privilege and how to apologize for my bad opinions and to change them quickly.

Later on in this hyped century I discovered bad news that I could not ignore.

This involved doctrines around gender, skin colour, religion, politics, class and the pecking order.

I've wept over the news of how the First Peoples have been torn apart from their own lands, their dignity and their right to life. If some people can be raped, imprisoned and murdered without justice, our system that we call neo-liberal capitalism is a lie. Our democracy is behind the bars of the pecking order. Our news is hidden in the words chosen by corporate lobbies. 

To be poor is NOT a sign of laziness. Addiction is not a sign of weakness.  Life is sacred beyond the ways it can make profit for the few. Conservatism primarily is to conserve what we value, so life, all our lives must come first. 

The children of those who seek to maintain their status and power, go to private schools where they learn to keep quiet about pain and replace it with the desire to control. So bullying is a value for the rulers. The colonialists put in place social orders to silence, ridicule and portray indigenous societies as backward.

People who want to rise up to the upper levels teach their children to never cry "unfair" for the answers that silence them is "the world is unfair",  learn how to turn hurt to your own advantage. 

The last piece of advice will encourage as all to feel isolated, unheard, and spiritually homeless. Even the wealthy designers and influencers are alone.

Scan the headlines of corporate news outlets: if it bleeds it leads especially if it bleeds to death. Now we have snippets of items about the violence done to those who are black, brown, female, Jewish or Moslem. Stories that indicate - it can't be helped, it's not good, but how, besides locking people up, can we create societies that are safe?

Close to these tidbits of sorrow are strongmen shouting into a microphone about masculine responsibility, the promise keepers, responsibility that comes with power and the stories of how girls are treated in such backward countries that were once part of the "commonwealth" but now free to return to savagery, to torment one another.

But what this hand-ringing never points out is, this is the boot on our face (Orwell), the kind of society manufactured by religions and beliefs based on colonial class systems and the addictions we called civilization and isolated egos competing for the most of what each of us wants (taken from a quote by a University professor whose name I cannot remember or find on the internet)

Ideas about systems make us feel we are worldly, educated and concerned.

Racism is on the rise and young strong men who cannot find women (who look like movie stars), join gangs of thugs to protest, shoot up and destroy cities and people to vent their rage.

Meanwhile the corporate media promotes the perfect man, the perfect wife, the "true religion" and all the things they could buy if they pulled up boot straps and got themselves a job that paid a living wage, in an age where good jobs have gone to other continents and where paying good wages is ridiculed except for the CEO.

The major crisis, in this economic climate, is, life made redundant, while money (power) is the only thing worth having. After all people are mortals but money lives forever until there are no people.

Monday, 15 February 2021

Working Our Way Back To Our Humanity

 There's planes, cars, boats, air fryers, paintings that some will pay millions for, super sportsmen, movie stars, clever politicians, billionaires who thrive while millions of people starve, and most of all a sophisticated cynicism that "proves" good guys don't always win, or that cities are not run by the most accomplished servants.

But I have found for my physical and mental health that this worldly view only helps those who need it least.

The pecking order was created not born. The pecking order serves the global system of corruption by keeping real people from expressing their integrity.

Just because real feelings and values are not published doesn't mean they don't exist. 

I learned back in my fifties that success for me was not designer clothes and fancy cars, it was close relationships with others I cared about. In order for me to sustain that I had to be caring and honest. My ego was merely a fraction of well-being.

To be among people who are honest and real, to see the real artists and their work, to have the freedom to express myslelf, is the greatest wealth of all. But then I have a home and a family.

Saturday, 13 February 2021

The Labyrinth’s Prayer


Our Labyrinth, which is on earth

Elliptic is your name

Your hospitality come

Your turning be done 

in earth

As it is in the universe.

Give us this day our contemplation.

And forgive us our missteps

As we forgive others their missteps against us.

And lead us not into apathy

But deliver us from hasty judgement.

For yours is the journey

The purpose and the story

For ever and ever.

Ah women

And men.

(from Infinite Power, Janet Vickers. Ekstasis 2016)

Monday, 8 February 2021

We Are Not Great Although We May Be Heroes At Times

We are humans. This is a safe generalization if you can read and you are not artificial intelligence. If you are the latter please feel free to disregard this post. If you are human - welcome!

The notion of being great is not a verifiable truth. Great is a response when something good happens. There are many who have achieved what I could never dream of achieving. Thank you to those that have.

For everyone else, whatever your particular skill or discipline or talent, I thank you for making the world a better place - that is if your skill doesn't hurt anyone unnecessarily for no good reason.

If you are a dentist, a surgeon or a nurse, some things must hurt before they are healed.

The kind of hurting that has no healing in it, is bullying, judging, labelling, putting people in boxes, insulting, threatening - usually has no value and is usually a habit learned from systems designed to take away the dignity of some, for the sake of profit for a minority.

Yes of course arresting someone who is a threat to the innocent, hurts someone. It takes a lot of training and humility to work in any capacity that wields power over others for the greater good.

All powers come with responsibility and there are many regrets I had for hurting others, when I had the power to do so. I am not great.

It's really okay to not be great. It's okay to not win, to be wrong sometimes, to make mistakes.

I remember when I started work at 16, the man who gave me lifts to and from the office, once said that I was attractive. And I replied, thank you, but I'm not a stunning beauty!!

Where on earth did I get the idea that I should be? Who in my family said I should be a movie star or beauty queen?

No-one personally but the messages I absorbed so gullibly from television sit coms and commercials and fashion outlets and make-up counters at the drug store, was that I should try harder. Some memes even promised that I would turn heads if I used their products. Although I knew these commercial promises were not to be believed, I didn't understand how they collectively  formed my values.

All this proves that I was gullible, and that there were few opportunities to challenge these powerful messages, for a 16 year old.

I write this to say the notion of greatness, the idea that we should be better than everyone else, not just to strive, is dangerous. This is how we create the kind of society that alienates us, that enables structural violence like homelessness, poverty, alienation, that makes us complicit in bigotry and racism.

The Reason For World Poverty