Tuesday, 14 April 2020

The meaning of things

I propose that we question, not just the individuals who support policies that harm the planet, but the meaning of the acts themselves.

Rather than say Trump is to blame for the spread of the virus or that voters are to blame for voting for Trump in 2016, we could view these events as the combined energy of all living things. What did they choose? What did they support in all the events that led up to the event? What was the unacknowledged rage burning inside our minds that led to the division and violence every day between that election and the previous ones? What do we refuse to admit to ourselves that leads to our silence or inaction when community requires good judgement?

What have we, the articulate species failed to organize together?

Forget blame. Life is complex. We are imperfect. We have some power but what is beyond our power?

We are facing the earth's response to what we have done or failed to do in the time we have been conscious.

Is the pandemic the voice of nature saying to us - you are not in control, or is it saying you are needed  now to learn how to heal the planet?

There is no-one who knows everything or has all the skills and knowledge to fix everything.

I need to be part of a society where diversity is appreciated and valued. People who have the skills to understand history, who know how to heal people, who understand law, who can fight fires, who can write agendas and policies, who can make moving speeches, who can sing and dance, who can hear the silent screams of the suffering and who can support people in their daily struggle — add to the true commonwealth. They have saved my life without knowing me personally.

I need nature, grass, trees, clean air, birds, fish, mice and rats and all that I haven't mentioned.

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