Thursday, 16 April 2020

The Cost of a Moral Life

There are no rewards for choosing the moral option other than to benefit the many.  There are no awards that match the gift of a truly honourable life because awards are few and the good is not always seen. 

Strangers and loved ones cannot know what you have been through and usually cannot feel all that you feel.

While the racists and terrorists of the world get a lot of attention after they blow apart other lives they are probably still suffering from the traumas that caused their destructive behaviours.  And the Assanges and Mandelas have been tortured for acts of bravery —  it is up to each one of us to decide, after much questioning,  who benefits and for what purpose. 

It is up to us, the readers and the anonymous to reject or accept what is true and what is false, even though our judgements cannot be proven.

Every day we live with the consequences of decisions we have made and what others have made for us.

All I know is I am thankful for those who expressed visions of a just world where life is revered and those who defended them.

To live where I am not allowed to speak or think, for a whole lifetime would be a life of extraordinary torture.

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