Monday, 11 January 2021

Sleep With Me: Lullaby for an Anxious Planet (Ekstasis Editions 2020)

If anyone is interested in purchasing a copy of this book please email me at

What are people saying about this collection of poems, released earlier in 2020 by Ekstasis Editions? 

Leah Hokanson (Vocalist, Conductor, Facilitator) says of this collection: Janet's poetry is like a cold shower and a warm towel all rolled into one. Website: 

“Let me begin with a warning” heads one of Janet’s poems and readers should be warned that not all these poems are lullabies. Many home in on truths that sear into the mind and might disturb sleep. That, after all, is the job of a poet. These poems also offer: the balm of hard-won compassion for self and others, a wisdom sad and sweet, and always startling turns of phrase that pull readers to attention and possibilities for their own voices. As Janet’s poem for Greta ends, “Now the rest of us must find/ our instruments before dawn.”
~ Sonja Arntzen, Professor Emerita, University of Toronto

These poems come forward in a tense time. The apocalypse appears to be upon us. Yet Janet’s serene poetic voice calls out to us as a mother to her child in the night, reassuring us that we can act against the forces for destruction, and that when we need respite from the intense struggle to maintain human decency, we may take it. And then persist once more – a wonderful accomplishment.
~ May Partridge, community organizer, retired post-secondary teacher of English and sociology. 

The trenchant poems in this book use the word 'Lullaby' as an ironic metaphor delivering incisive commentary on our capitalist society. Never predictable, the lines roll from one to the other, crashing on the headland of the mind, challenging our concepts of the world around us. Combining passion and wit, Janet's probing questions and observations are a must read for those who want a keener look at ourselves and our cultural milieu.
~ Dave Neads, author, poet, social activist, loving life on Gabriola.

Life was not created to feed the economy.
I am in a relationship with the vacuum cleaner and it’s a problem

These two sentences display the breadth of Vickers’ poetry. With deep wisdom, carefully chosen words, kindness and wit, she invites her readers to consider the state of the world and some of the cruelties humans commit. But lest we become too despairing she shares her delights with trees, eagles and lizards, her joys with her husband and children. And, she lets us know about her very unique relationship with her aged vacuum. Come one, come all, there is something here for everyone.
~ Lynda A. Archer, author of Tears in the Grass, a Finalist for the 2017 Lambda Literary Award.

Janet Vickers was born in the UK, came to Canada in 1965 and became Canadian by the love and friendship of other Canadians. She married in 1969 and celebrated her 50th wedding anniversary to her husband Tony, last year. They have three children, three in-laws, one grand-dog and four grandchildren. Her previous books include Impermanence (2012) and Infinite Power (2016) published by Ekstasis Editions.

The cover image is a dragonfly by Debbie Goodman a wildlife artist working out of her home studio in Nanaimo, British Columbia. She creates her pieces entirely from cut and layered art papers sourced from around the world. This technique is derived from the Japanese art form chigiri-e, or painting with paper.  All proceeds from Debbie's artwork are donated to organizations supporting wildlife conservation and animal welfare including Ducks Unlimited Canada, Nature Trust of British Columbia, and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Since 2010, she has donated over $100,000.  Debbie has also written and illustrated a children's book entitled 'Wild Observations.'

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