Saturday, 29 February 2020

Moral Emotions in Prelinguistic Infants

"In various experiments, prelinguistic infants show a rudimentary sense of fairness, justice, empathy, compassion, and generosity, along with a clear ability to distinguish between kind and cruel actions. Morality is intrinsic to the human condition." Embracing Interconnectedness - Patterns of Meaning. Jeremy Lent.

Aware of a bias in myself that favoured kindness and moral responsibility, I find Neoliberalism a failure in the way it has established a pseudo-ethical regime which encouraged isolation, selfishness and cruelty over our species tendency to be compassionate in a basic sense of fairness.

This allows the individual to believe all is well as long as he is on top.

To do this a conscience must continually congratulate the ego for these 'achievements'.  

To say we are destroying our future is too neat and tidy a claim.

What is actually happening is the group attacks the individual  who is, for whatever reason (different religion, different colour skin, different fashion, language or abilities) is placed on the bottom rung in the estimation of the most articulate and cunning bully in the pack.

It assures that vulnerable people lose hope of belonging, it traumatizes those who are already traumatized, and makes others in the group feel insecure and unsafe.

It ultimately destroys civilization as we know from the rise of Nazi power.

It announces that the value of everything depends on where it lies in the pecking order, and so you have young teens ridiculing victims of rape and ultimately creates a society entertained and in awe of brutality.

We have known this from the Roman Gladiator sports, from the contempt shown to missing and murdered indigenous women after the cruelty of residential schools.

Everything and anything that is supportive and of true value like the arts, creative talent and problem solving is trashed. Children soon learn that they have no intrinsic worth, and the only survivors are psychopaths and sociopaths, applauded for all that they can destroy.

War celebrates killing, cruelty and death as though power is fed by the number of lives crushed. Refugees lose everything and in such a system we are all refugees because life means nothing. People, plants, animals, land, air and water is stolen, exploited and poisoned.

The duality of this is authoritarianism. Individuals will choose fundamentalist, fascist, systems in the belief that they will be safe. But these systems fall into the same despair they are attempting to run from.

As individuals we are genders, races, and classes — fighting to maintain our space, our 'nation'. But cunning psychopaths know how to manipulate us into giving up what little we own for the sake of a false sense of security.

The current conflict in Canada on pipelines, first nations territories, energy and jobs is one of those manufactured conflicts where ultimately all will be destroyed — either by poverty, violence and trauma  while the owners of the oil industry who live thousands of miles away will be the only ones to profit.

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