Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Blackmail from Dirty Politics.

"What should the Prime Minister do? The choice is easy. If Teck Frontier is approved, the extortion tactics will be used again and again with every new oil and gas project. You don’t “pay” blackmailers. Reject Teck Frontier." National Observer. Jason Kenney Blackmailing Canada Won't Solve Climate Crisis.

The main drive of dirty politics is to demean a portion of the populace and hold up the opposite. Praise the loyalty of unquestioning, silent groups. Whether it's keeping children in cages or caning them when they fail to choose the right answer.

The conditioning of white men demands a silent muscularity, a competing for top dog, an anti-intellectual hardness, and indifference to the suffering of those who don't win. The winner takes all and the loser is tortured to death.

This sounds extreme but the goal of those who seek power use extremes to stay in power. It doesn't matter whether the system is capitalist, communist, authoritarian or democratic -- it is how information is conveyed that reveals what you are voting for.

Fascism now threatens the whole world and those who are operating it do not care about you or any living creature other than themselves.

George Monbiot has a thorough understanding in the roots of Fascism. “These guys are going to die in the streets like cockroaches – and that’s how it should be.” Bolsonaro is quoted fomenting hate towards the indigenous people trying to protect the forest.

Fascism puts people at the bottom of the pecking order. People who have nothing to gain but who support it are weary and overwhelmed at all the opinions and arguments dominating the waves in sound and sight.

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