Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Last Words

If you were born with a special gift
a talent, a unique intelligence, a stunning beauty
or if you possess amazing courage
sparkle with optimism
express great wisdom
full of compassion and deep curiosity
yet remain the most humble servant

if you are the dancing queen
if you win awards, publish books, sell  songs
create movies, run the marathon
you will be hated by some and adored by many.

It’s the troll factor, the bully playground
for those who were taught they are worthless
useless, ugly, clumsy and stupid
when what they needed most
was to to rise above contempt, to be loved
and the more you shine
the more they shrink
and every happiness you earn
inflicts another cut to their flesh.

But we are wrong when we say they are useless

they are very useful to the puppeteers
who lay steel across nature’s blossoming fields 
for the sale of war, slaves and the eternal triumph
of fear.

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