Friday, 14 June 2019


After reading The Preludes to Assaults by Jane Eaton Hamilton I was compelled to post this poem on here.

Forget history, culture and knowledge. Break free
of your hoarding of facts, dates. Forget right and wrong.
Nothing means what it intends. The opposite is true
until we recognize it and then it becomes a lie.

The ideologue is the great virus, scourge of this planet.
He climbed down from his tree and turned it
into toilet paper. He tore open his mother’s flesh
to mine for gold.

Hated his kind, moulded it into a sword
made of his mother’s blood and slew his brother.
Sold his children into slavery and called himself
Ruler. Warrior. God.

Gaia is a whore and man is her pimp.
Our laws, our art, our songs, can’t rid her
of this storm, this swarm, this pandemic
this era of man who descended

from the awe and beauty bestowed upon him
by a power he could never deconstruct
this creation larger than his knowing
the stars he couldn’t reach, so instead

he sought revenge and created the order
raping every vessel of hope, each womb
of enlightenment, churned our mother’s milk
into grease, a war to be won.

So when we talk of misogyny as though
it’s simply the fear and hatred of woman
remember – it is the seed of homelessness
entrenched so deeply we blame nature

say it is natural law, say boys will be boys
corner them by two converging walls
of a doctrine so bricked no light can enter
no doubt allowed to breathe

trapped in the construct even she defends
his privilege by love’s failure to disarm
the earth he has littered with weapons
against the distant bird singing at dawn.

published in Eyewear Blink September 2015

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