Saturday, 25 May 2019

Happiness Reconfigured

Once upon a time, not so long ago
happiness was a product of something else
—to be free of pain, to be warm and fed,
then it became a by-product of profit,

six figures to nine figures, the numerology
of ego and greed, the politics dividing us into
a sixty-forty handicap where a minority
of the certain out-vote the majority

who suspect that low taxes and the economy
have written us, happy or not, out of the future,
who refuse to die in a car crash or overdose,
who question the mathematics of chaos.

Have we become homeless puritans again?
Casting our bodies on the ocean in search
of a new world and finding instead
an old one that was here long before us?

How radical would it be to find happiness
in thoughts moving like fingers scaling
an imaginary piano, or a feeling,
a brief sensory perception of hope?

Suppose these small things moved us away
from the dark resources underground
to the centrifugal forces of our mind
terminally wondering what we can do?

Not as an exclamation of despair or apathy
but a quest, an inquiry into nature, a timeless
question on waking each morning—where did
happiness begin? The big bang?

(published in Infinite Power, Ekstasis 2016)

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