Saturday, 16 February 2019

Who Funds Right Wing Movements?

"In Britain, for example, we now know that the EU referendum was won with the help of widespread cheating. We still don’t know the origins of much of the money spent by the leave campaigns. For example, we have no idea who provided the £435,000 channelled through Scotland, into Northern Ireland, through the coffers of the Democratic Unionist Party and back into Scotland and England, to pay for pro-Brexit ads."Crisis? What crisis?. George Monbiot.

We need to remember that the ordinary voter is not to blame for the way things are. We are encouraged to see things the way multi-million dollar ads suggest and cannot see what information has been deleted. We are subjected to intentional editing all the time.

Democracy can't survive if power is abused and the elected governments seek only to win elections not save their countries. Big business, politicians and media must take responsibility for doing there part to sustain just societies.

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