Saturday, 9 February 2019

Be Lived on Searchlight 2019

What is Searchlight?

"Searchlight is CBC Music’s long-running hunt for Canada’s undiscovered musical talent, judged by a combination of audience voting and a panel of celebrity judges, who represent a cross-section of the best that the Canadian music industry has to offer."

Leah Hokanson has entered her song "Be Lived"

If you go to the link, go to "Artists" and then put Leah Hokanson in the field ... it will take you to the image of her album cover and the song itself so you can hear it.

A music and sound explorer, with 30 years experience as a vocalist, pianist, conductor, teacher and facilitator, Leah has recently released her first CD. The cover is titled "Be Lived" - an excellent piece of advice for living, which you can play from the website.

Leah's music is rousing, reflective, inspirational and meditational. She has a deep resonance of compassion in her voice and the way she leads the choir. I have learned how healing music can be with insightful, professionals like Leah. Her CD is titled Facets and you can order it from her website.

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