Friday, 23 March 2018

Your Voice

Your voice is the temperature gauge
using the mercury of all you have seen and heard
of those who have harmed and saved you
an alchemical mix including your history
back to the first walk across the land
the first hut built of dry grass
your eyes wide as the saucers
that hadn't yet been invented
and the memory of a deep voice
directing you out of despair
calming the scream in your bowel
just as you were ready to split yourself open
in rage for all the times we let you down
when you were counting on us
to reach in for your bloodied arm
pull you up out of the pit
that had no steps or rocks to climb
and when we stop to think about it
we know we keep listening for the monster's roar
shuddering across the valley from mountains
too far and too high to climb
while your voice is so small and so close
we could begin to learn by listening
what could be done by someone
someone, anyone who hears
who has a hand to lift you up
and an arm to put around you
whenever your voice is ready
to ask for help.

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