Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Why Do Civilizations Collapse?

What will become of America, Canada, Britain and other nations that are struggling with democracy as it slips into corruption, is a question I keep asking.

I look for answers anywhere and everywhere. George Monbiot, Chris Hedges, Naomi Klein, Thich Nhat Hanh, Jonathan Sacks, Unitarian Universalism and other writings.

Sacks' recent post from his newsletter Covenant and Conversation, gives us a concise overview of other civilizations that have come and gone. But the part I was most interested in was near the end of his essay. He writes that civilizations come to a point where there are so many problems they cannot fix them, so they look for sacrifices - symbolic or real. 

This advice asks us to engage, no matter what our faith or heritage,  to think and to act with integrity - it is not magical thinking. The problem is for us all to deal with.

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