Saturday, 15 April 2017

It Isn't Your Fault

It isn't your fault that systems have learned 
how to manipulate you with false beliefs. 

It isn't your fault that patriarchy has learned how to kill 
your brothers by making you their robots. 

It isn't your fault you vote for parties who promise wealth 
but only for those at the top when you thought for all. 

It isn't your fault that rulers have philosophers, marketers, strategists 
and weapons while you have only one vote. 

It isn't your fault the oppressors have learned all the tricks 
to keep you coming back for more. 

It isn't your fault that those given the privilege to choose 
life, invested only in control of a woman's body, 

while showing contempt for the needs of the beings
born from that body. 

It isn't your fault your heart has been broken so many times
it severed the link to your brain. 

It isn't your fault the highest public endeavour 
has been turned into a 30 second commercial.

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