Thursday, 19 February 2015

Do people really support a bill they haven't read based on questions that interpret this bill?

New poll finds Harper’s anti-terror bill is a political juggernaut? Here is the Globe and Mail article.

Here are the questions Angus Reid said they used in the poll.

And to support the Harper government Gordon Gibson claims The Supreme Court is a greater threat to Canada than Harper.

Tom Mulcair in The Tyee: "What Stephen Harper is proposing is a bogus choice," Mulcair told reporters in French. "We don't have to choose between our freedoms and our safety; we have to deal with both at the same time."

Elizabeth May in the Georgia Straight says the bill would create a secret police force.

And from Christopher Majka on
"As many astute commentators have pointed out "terror" is a tactic. It has been -- and continues to be -- employed by various groups in pursuance of political agendas.

Thus, a "war on terror" is a terminological absurdity. One cannot wage a war on a tactic. One cannot bomb a "tactic" out of existence. Nonetheless, such terminological (and consequently tactical) nonsense has dominated the foreign policy of a variety of nations (United States, Great Britain, NATO, and now, seemingly, Canada) for the past 15 years."

Finally a quote by James Baxter "There are, quite literally, hundreds of thousands of ways you are more likely to die or be critically injured than at the hands of a terrorist in Canada. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes… medical malpractice, bad drug interactions, falls in the bathtub… poor food inspection… bad water, malaria, drunk drivers, venereal disease… improper antibiotics, toxic shock syndrome… heck, even bed sores.

"When it comes to violence, statistics would indicate you are still many hundreds of times more likely to die at the hands of your spouse than some whacked-out extremist. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, the average American is as likely to be crushed to death by televisions or other furniture as they are to die in a terrorist attack."

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