Sunday, 15 December 2024

How Can We Teach Our Children to survive?

Listening to Cross-country Checkup on CBC radio about students being rude in the classroom. No-one seemed to talk about how to make kids behave. No-one mentioned while I was listening, how this is the result of humanity realizing our time on this earth is coming to an end.

We are doomed to suffer the torture of monsters who will kill us for the pleasure it releases from despair. That's a short tidy sentence. This is the holocaust, in endless cycles. Whether its the reign of Henry VIII, Hitler or Putin.

Do you dare ask what has happened to the young boys who grew up and carried on the cycles of despair because "its human nature". These are the conversations we need to have. Is it okay to give up because it's too late for us to change? Who is it that needs to change? And where would we begin?

Beginning with Patriarchy - a system where authority goes to the eldest male in the family and where females are viewed as owned by the patriarch. Women today have more voice than they did in the time of Henry VIII but there are lingering beliefs which make women vulnerable to the power of men.

This is not about being good or kind. This is a value which has influenced society today. Women resenting the power held over them and men resenting the resistance of women. Lest anyone truly believe the US Republican party is saving lives by making abortion illegal you just have to listen to a candidate recently selected to stand for President. I don't think I need to explain why this is not to protect women and her embryos. 

There are two main factions in North America: political power and wealth but neither are in control. Humans are not in control, we are anxious and angry and anything we talk about regarding our future is built on fear or anger. Is it any wonder students are rude or indifferent to rules of behaviour?

Men are afraid of their power being challenged and business owners afraid of losing their autonomy. These things nag us as we try to sleep. New worlds or broken old words break apart traditions and haunt the future. But children are already burdened -- could they understand this?

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