Wednesday, 18 January 2023

How We Got Here?


I don't know how we got from worshipping the goddess to the level of misogyny in media today. Or systems of hate and violence towards women in Afghanistan where rulers force the population to live under extreme suffering by threat of death.

There has been too much violence done to the people of that nation by invasions from US, UK, Russia and Europe.

Throughout the centuries children have been trained to hate and fear others and prove their allegiance to their "mother" country or "fatherland". 

Well, so what you might be asking?

The emphasis of our worth has been the position we are given in society. Right or wrong we are products of this as well as our own appetites and limitations, haunted by truth and imprisoned by lies. Terrible pain and torture has been inflicted on the innocent, for what? To keep us afraid and addicted to the trinkets meted out by our status.

How many centuries have boys been trained to be soldiers willing to die for the preservation of the hierarchical laws and status of the ruling classes? How public punishment has kept us in line. Public hanging, whipping, burning and killing showcasing what will happen to you if you step out of line. Although we don't see this much in "democratic" societies, imprisonment means the torture and cruelty is not on display, but mass entertainment is filled with violence, murder and cruelty.

Boys are taught to hide their feelings, to dissociate with compassion as if denial makes us strong.  Even when we think we are not at war, we must strive to keep up appearances to have value in our society.

That value has changed over the centuries. Farmer, husband, father, worker... all required a great deal of influencing the emotions of boys and girls trained to be what they have been told they are. 

It has come down to popularity today. Social media designed to elevate class bullying to public exhibition. Approval must come from some authority wherever it is broadcast. 

When a society rules over the uterus and neglects the life that comes from it, this says man has made himself god for his own sake not for the sake of Life! 

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