Thursday, 15 December 2022

When Life Becomes No More Than a Problem

Now I know the news is about collecting stories of violence and problems, but this morning I learned that people who can't afford health care support may be forced to choose MADE as a way out. Then I read about the recent decisions in US Republican circles which refuse to challenge the right to bare arms even after so many shootings in school classrooms. "Its not a gun problem - it's a mental health problem." Also an item about refugees fleeing countries of origin looking for a safe place to live drowning in unsafe small boats.

Where is the morality of government, where is the morality in power? Where is the morality of billionaire influencers who purchase big bling social media companies? Where is the morality of corporate mainstream media? Where is the morality of politicians who get media coverage by spreading fear of "the other"?

When did morality become the fear of sex before marriage or same sex relationships? How has public discussion become "too sensitive" when we talk about the needy, poverty, affordable housing? Where is the morality of hoarding money in offshore bank accounts to avoid paying taxes? Why has justice been limited to the law and punishment?

I believe it boils down to the political notion that we cannot afford the quality of life. We must feed the economy, not by feeding families or housing the poor, but by adding inflation to loans, mortgages. 

We cannot afford to care for the planet, the sea, the woodlands, the environment, our children's future, our health care. 

We expected the most powerful nations to organize just societies, but they have invested in war, weapons of mass destruction, prisons and keeping refugees out.

Humanity is a threat in a world where power blinds and life is an unaffordable burden. We need a whole new way of tackling problems first by interrogating the common arguments and reorganizing our priorities. We cannot afford life - your life, not mine.

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