Saturday, 26 November 2022

On Our Own Together


"If governments were serious about preventing climate breakdown, there would have been no Cops 2-27. The major issues would have been resolved at Cop1, as the ozone depletion crisis was at a single summit in Montreal." George Monbiot.

We are on our own together. Reading, talking, thinking, sharing, loving, hating, hugging, raising children. We are at risk of self-destructing. What can we do?

"There are no solutions" said Anatol Rapoport, a well respected mathematician (general systems theory, mathematical biology and modeling of social interaction and stochastic models of contagion  He contributed to general systems theory, to mathematical biology and to the mathematical modeling of social interaction and stochastic models of contagion.

That shut me up quick.

If humans could bark like dogs we would be barking all the time but since we are human we create problems in our minds to satisfy egocentric needs. We tend to blame the "other" we have created in our own imaginations. Tend to generalize in our minds - until we learn better from people like Rapoport, Monbiot, Atwood, Hippies, and teachers who can tolerate the idea we are not supreme.

I am comforted by the terrifying theories of Gabor Mate as he writes about trauma in his latest book "The Myth of Normal". We could blame the Nazi's for the Holocaust, and the Communists for the holodomor in Ukraine. Blame the British for colonization further traumatizing the innocent people in the lands we invaded, blame the monarchy of Europe for creating class systems, but really we are all in this status seeking judgemental cruelty game desperately trying to prove we are worthy even if we don't own castles or fast cars. 

The rush to feel superior, to prove myself, to believe "I made it" came from not examining myself on the emotional plane where love for myself can be an acceptance there are no others, no foreigners, good guys or bad guys. 

Get rid of the construct not refugees created by politicians desperate for our vote. Or money from "influencers".

"They" are not destroying our planet, "we" can do things to calm the fears of friends and neighbours. We can raise our children with loving kindness and not demand they be "top of the class". We can live until it's our time to die without forcing others to do what we can them to.

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