Thursday, 4 August 2022

TomDispatch/Nina Burleigh: Right Wing Extremists Are Making Fiction Come True


Dear Men

The  Right Wing Exremists are more than misogynist. The movement is anti-life. If it continues to play extreme right-wing warnings that work to reduce a human to "a pussy" - you will suffer, not from angry women, but the further encroachment of authoritarianism. 

Remember WWII after Kristallnacht where German citizens were encouraged to hate their neighbours, labelled Jews, by breaking the windows of their businesses. It escalated to depriving these neighbours of their right to live. As well as destroying the families with Jewish ancestry, they destroyed people of colour, musicians, artists, thoughtful intellectuals. All of Germany was destroyed politically and spiritually.

German citizens at the time of WWII were labelled Nazis regardless of whether they agreed with Hitler's goals or not. Those with a conscience also died in the camps and those who didn't agree with Hitler were too afraid to stand up were tortured by the bombs destroying their fatherland and the guns of others killing their kin in battle. 

When brutality rules a nation it is natural to feel afraid while being ordered to take their bodies to the battlefield.

I have friends who are not comfortable with abortion and who are capable of expressing why. Friends who are good Christians. Also its really easy to take a stand on one side or another, and blame whoever is different. I understand why some believe in God and some don't. I understand why some men hate women and are unable to admit it.

I understand why power-over is such an easy fall-back position and I understand how it rules our world. Most of all I can see how politics isolates and separates us.

Politics is the soap-box, the strap and the gun that dehumanizes us when it is designed to take our power away. 

Hitler managed to take away the power of all Germans and other Europeans. He put us all through hell and destroyed those sent to death camps. 

Politics, economics, are weapons of mass destruction when we are reduced to chattels. Women as pussies, men as soldiers. I am not saying that anyone who fights is destroyed. I am saying that every authoritarian government turns us all into wooden discs on a chess-board. We are shuffled, insulted, tortured and discarded by a patriarchal culture that values action and death, and expresses contempt for feelings, love, compassion and empathy.

(information here taken from article found in scheerpost) 

Nina Burleigh, a TomDispatch regular, is a journalist of American politics and the author of six previous books. Her seventh, Virus: Vaccinations, the CDC, and the Hijacking of America’s Response to the Pandemic (an updated paperback version of which will appear in July from Seven Stories Press) is a real-life thriller that delves into the official malfeasance behind America’s pandemic chaos and the triumph of science in an era of conspiracy theories and contempt for experts.

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