Saturday, 2 July 2022

Your Horoscope For Today


If you are breathing you are alive today, but in order to survive you must keep breathing.

You were born on this planet sometime between the month of January to December. It will affect you because this planet, this universe has its own habits and ways.

If you are still alive you were born in the last hundred years. You had a mother and a father even if you don't know who they are. Your childhood was not always happy. There were happy times and some traumatic times. You grew up to the degree you were capable of. 

Your skills depend on innate talents in your personality and the nurture you received as you were growing up.

You belong to the family of homo sapiens. You are not a lizard, hyena or elephant. You are more than the colour of your skin. The skin is there just to keep your muscles and organs in place. The colour of your eyes do not matter as much as the eyes help you from bumping into walls. 

The size of your reproductive organs only matter in as much as they enable you to co-create. Other than that, it's no-ones business what they are - they belong to you and will be there for you until you die or decide to have them removed.

You need love and support from other humans no matter how strong or smart you are, or what you have accomplished. If you think you don't there will be no-one to tell you how you are doing if you make mistakes.

You are not self-made. To believe that will isolate you and eventually cause harm to your mental health and those you live among.

Your family and your home need you to pay attention to how they are doing. How they are doing depends on your ability to feel and see truth.

You are not God, you never were and never will be. 

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