Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Just because the world is here for everyone

We have a truth crisis all right. But it is much deeper and wider than we care to admit. Perhaps the biggest lie of all is that the crisis is confined to the Kremlin’s falsehoods and the far right’s conspiracy theories. On the contrary, it is systemic and almost universal." George Monbiot https://www.monbiot.com/2022/04/03/organised-lying/

And I live on this planet, in this civilization, I have friendships and family who live here, so I would like to add my own perceptions.

The labelling and organizing of people could do with being updated. It's well known that some of us are called, Canadian, white, female, young, old, rich and poor. However, I have observed different people who deserve to be recognized, that I hope will help us move away from hegemonic abuses.

Russia is a big country and powerful too, but I don't think it gives the ruler the right to wipe out the people of other countries. Neither do I think it's right for America to choose the side they want and the side to bomb, torture and destroy. I don't think war is just. It always punishes the vulnerable, unarmed people who did not choose to go to war.

It seems that war is a way to kill off the poor, the women and children, the people who don't have a big stake in the outcome beyond their survival.

It's not justice that is on trial in war, it's power. The children and infants in Ukraine are traumatized while they have no defences. Surely we can see that war only benefits the powerful, the offices that are looking for more money, weapons, status in war is leverage to rule. The number of dead bodies laying on the ground rotting is a win for those who think this planet is here for their aggrandizement, their place in history, their seat on the council.

This is the way governments have been run since the establishment of patriarchy. There's peace for awhile, then it slips to wealth and power. The fights within each territory take power away from the arts, public health and justice as it becomes less human and more monstrous, as the most powerful are celebrated and the most invisible become the battered.

Human civilizations throughout centuries of suffering and glorification have imprisoned those at the bottom, while worshipping those at the top. The trauma we all feel when there is so much suffering creates the habit to cause even more pain.

Now our "leaders" can't find the way to protect the planet. Several dystopian scenarios in literature and film have given us ideas of just how bad things can get. Now some people believe there is no hope for the future. It's too late. Humanity is one big sick puppy. Amen.

This belief alone will make the children sick. Kindness, love, celebration, art, music are trumped by computer games where the goal is to find the single winner. 

Cruelty is not the natural way, it's the way of elitism that seeks to train its young to be hardened, brutal and ignorant of itself.

Nihilism is the ghost of despair, the offspring of war, the defeat of an overwhelmed spirit.

Just listening to the Current report on sexual violence during war and using rape as a weapon. Now I feel an urge to emphasize emotional wellness and how the mind is raped to the extent that feelings are the first to be made illegal in hyper-masculine situations. How the soldiers are puppetized on the battle field. How war becomes THE WAR against the feminine aspect of life including life itself. Nature, trees, plants, birds, pigs and cows are all objects of hate. 

The reason for war is not just a chosen enemy but systems at risk of losing their power by humans becoming aware of their sensitivity and realizing the only way they can control the world is by torturing life to death.

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