Saturday, 29 January 2022

White Coat Black Art & Freedom

I was just listening to White Coat Black on CBC radio. The news is really bleak. Dedicated nurses and other medical staff, are so stressed, squeezed and anxious, the mood at our hospitals or at least the hospital in Ontario where the interview took place, indicated getting sick is dangerous if you need medical help.

Another example of our broken society.

I wonder how can I help? By focusing on small but positive actions that I can do.

Of course it's not just our hospitals that are breaking. It's a political system where our Prime Minister, threatened by protesters must go into hiding.

This is if you have been listening to radio which is also under threat of being shut down.

The conflict seems to be because of mandatory vaccines. Laws that demand truck drivers be vaccinated before coming into Canada and those who lose their job because they cannot get vaccinated. This is also life or death when we know that having a job means having food on the table and a place to live. 

Homelessness, mental illness and starvation, prior to this pandemic were not seen as crises before this. I don't mean it wasn't an issue. I mean they didn't get quite the status in news reports.

Now there are threats of war in Ukraine because Russia is afraid of being squeezed by NATO.

I suggest the money that would go to weapons for Ukraine should be spent on hospitals and homes for the homeless.  The moral obligation in my mind is to fund the system that brings food and medicine to the world so anxiety does not drown our nation, so we do not have to put desperate people into prison. We must fix what is broken.

We humans have the ability to care and to create peaceful societies. We know that fixing something doesn't guarantee immediate relief. We know that news reports are designed to make us uncomfortable and troubled. We know we are not in control and life is often a struggle for those who have empathy and wisdom.

We must try to survive the evidence of sickness, cynicism, bullying and violence of our time and be a blessing in all the ways taken for granted.


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