Monday, 13 September 2021

Nanaimo Bound, a visual telling of a poem written by Naomi Beth Waken

Wanted to share this poem. It might not sound like a poem. It might sound like an ad. But the message is gentle and positive. Naomi Beth Wakan's latest book Wind on the Heath has short inspiring poems that reveal the intelligence of gentle messages - something most of us can do in our daily lives.

Of course it doesn't get blasted on the news. There are no headlines like "Humans are mostly wise and caring, and some can even put their thoughts into short poems."

Why is there no affirming message on corporate media? Why are the dumbest ideas getting the front page? Why do outlets that are supposed to represent humanity full of violence, greed and shallow statements?

Why do we share the outrageous posts on Facebook more than the contemplative beautiful ones?
Who are we in this generalization? Why am I writing these observations without checking to see if you agree first?

Carry on being kind, caring and questioning. You are saving the world! Almost.

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