Sunday, 4 July 2021

Almighty Church of Everlasting Power


Almighty Church of Everlasting Power

Almighty chorus for the dawn 
chickadees, hummingbirds and crows
send the moon to her next province
while a breeze whispers
wake up from your dreaming
—this is your morning. 

Church of Planet Earth 
waking for rolled oats and tea
and news from choirs
—birds, squirrels excited for reasons
I will never know, 
not being privy to gossip 
among hummingbirds in a garden 
I call mine because of a Deed
illegible to cedars
their branches crowned
with tender leaves, their 

Everlasting roots underground.
webbing the earth like a village map
roads over hills & valleys
spread quietly to feed earthworms, 
and five hundred species of insects
where thirty different indigenous languages
are spoken but not taught in provincial schools
because white settlers came in boats
and planes, believing they could survive
on green land and virgin forests
by crushing a universal mystery
into a system after centuries of war, 
famine and plagues
destroyed the homes they left behind.

Power is in your grief 
your conscience, the long poem
that was once the bible
before nuance was made redundant
—now that you have learned 
what power is not.

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