Friday, 11 June 2021

On Possible and Sustainable Futures: Fred Guerin

"I’m neither pessimistic nor fatalistic by nature. That we should endeavor to soberly assess the way we have raised the planets temperature, destroyed thriving ecosystems for profit and compromised the biosphere with toxic chemicals; that we should critically evaluate whether our present political and economic systems are really capable of delivering us from the scourge of capitalist greed; that we should continue to resist fossil fuel, surveillance, war, and chemical corporations that put profit over people and the health of the planet—all of these latter efforts are both necessary and morally obligatory.

... The present neoliberal corporate capitalist world is certainly destructive, but it is by no means inevitable or invincible. Yes, it is a profound constraint on the possibility of a different future—but not one that we could not collectively overcome. A destructive economic system is only a constraint when we continue to buy into it—which far too many of us have because we believe there are no other options or we think we somehow benefit from it in a personal way." Fred Guerin June 11, 2021. On Facebook.

I often keep asking myself as a mother, partner, friend and poet - how can I best support this planet knowing I am not a social scientist or politician. Reading about how things work often ties me up in knots but I do live here and feel a responsibility to help the world and its inhabitants. I can't imagine not caring and not thinking about it.

Living with integrity, without cruelty and selfishness has enabled me to avoid very painful relationships. I love people who are curious, kind and compassionate. I know I am lucky to live in a nation that has maintained a diversity of viewpoints, an education system and a health system, even though it's not perfect.

My teachers are mostly those who have struggled because of marginalization and prejudice. I have loved their courage and their intelligence.

Thank you to all those who care and who can articulate that care.

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