Monday, 9 November 2020

Jonathan Sacks - March 8, 1948 - November 7, 2020

I have been following the work of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks - not intrusively, not thoroughly, but mostly on his writings about this current age. 

Sacks was nine months older than I and his education and intellectual abilities far outweighed mine, however I loved reading his books as he addressed things that deeply concerned me of late. 

The transference of values from justice to economics. The crises we are enduring today has come from the abdication of leaders since the 1980's which venerated wealth, personality and entertainment more than responsible government.

Yes, we are better off today (if we are white and able-bodied) than we have been during the centuries of patriarchal warmongering, but I see our civilization eroding through a lack of morality or good ethics. That is to say, simply - caring more for sustainable life than  immediate gratification.

Human rights have appeared to be dissolving into panic, hate and greed. Religion has been blamed. But Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, in my opinion, used his extensive knowledge to root out the voice of heartfelt reason above the clamour of greed and vanity that rules our political world.

Condolences to the family and friends of Rabbi Sacks.

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